Inclusivity Knows No Bounds – A Conversation with Laura Kalbag on "Accessibility for Everyone"


“Accessibility for Everyone” is a groundbreaking book designed to assist designers in seamlessly integrating accessibility into their daily design routines. Today, we have the privilege of engaging in a conversation with the author herself, Laura Kalbag. In this interview, we explore the importance of making your products accessible to all.

Q: Laura, could you share what motivated you to write “Accessibility for Everyone”?

Laura Kalbag: Certainly! The motivation behind “Accessibility for Everyone” was to bridge a critical gap in the design world. I’ve noticed that accessibility often takes a backseat in the design process, and I wanted to change that. It’s vital to recognize that not everyone interacts with digital products in the same way, and I wanted to empower designers to create inclusive experiences for all users.

Q: Why is accessibility important for designers and the products they create?

Laura Kalbag: Accessibility is crucial because it ensures that everyone, regardless of their abilities or disabilities, can access and use digital products comfortably and effectively. Designers have the power to shape the digital landscape, and with that power comes the responsibility to create experiences that don’t exclude anyone. When products are accessible, they reach a broader audience, demonstrate empathy, and, ultimately, create a more equitable digital environment.

Q: Could you provide an example of how considering accessibility can positively impact a design?

Laura Kalbag: Certainly. Let’s consider a website or app. By implementing accessible design practices such as providing alternative text for images, ensuring clear and concise content, and using proper heading structures, you can dramatically enhance the experience for users who rely on screen readers. This not only makes the content more understandable for them but also improves search engine optimization (SEO) for everyone. In essence, accessibility enhancements often have a ripple effect, benefiting a broader user base.

Q: What are some common misconceptions or challenges designers face when it comes to accessibility?

Laura Kalbag: One common misconception is that designing for accessibility is burdensome and time-consuming. While it may require a learning curve initially, integrating accessibility into your design process becomes more natural with practice. Another challenge is the assumption that accessibility only matters to a small subset of users. In reality, it’s a universal concern that can impact anyone at any time, whether temporarily or permanently.

Q: Any advice for designers who want to start prioritizing accessibility in their work?

Laura Kalbag: Absolutely! Start by educating yourself about accessibility guidelines and best practices. Familiarize yourself with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) and make them a reference point in your design process. Test your designs with assistive technologies or get feedback from users with disabilities. Collaborate closely with your team, including developers, to ensure that accessibility considerations are an integral part of the project from the outset. Remember, the more you practice, the more accessible design becomes second nature.

Q: Finally, what do you hope designers and readers take away from your book, “Accessibility for Everyone”?

Laura Kalbag: My hope is that “Accessibility for Everyone” serves as a practical guide that empowers designers to embrace accessibility as a fundamental aspect of their work. I want readers to understand that making products accessible isn’t just a checklist item; it’s an opportunity to create more meaningful and inclusive digital experiences. Ultimately, I hope this book inspires positive change in the design community and contributes to a more inclusive digital world.

Laura Kalbag’s “Accessibility for Everyone” promises to be a transformative resource for designers, shedding light on the vital role accessibility plays in our digital landscape. It encourages us all to design with empathy and consider the diverse needs of users, fostering a more inclusive online environment.

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